This is my very first blog. I am indeed wonderblogged. If you haven't read the definition of the word wonderlogged yet, take a trip to my welcome page where I define. Now apply that feeling to the blog... Yep.
Sometimes we get so caught up in the daily grind, that our calling is put to the side. My calling, if you haven't guessed, is painting. I recently got a big kick in the pants on a cosmic scale.
THIS IS NOT WHY YOU ARE HERE! Even my mother, who also happens to be my boss, asked me in reference to my job, "Are you sure you want to do this?" I told her very plainly without hesitation, "No". I then flashed back to my art school years, feeling the complete and total elation of finding my path, knowing what I was going to do for the rest of my life, making my very first vow- I will paint for the rest of my life.
Our gifts are our duty, they are our roadmaps to finding ourselves, to peace. So having that message so plainly given to me, I offer my very first blog post.
I am working on a few new paintings, and have been feeling very inspired to start fresh. I feel like a new chapter is starting in my life. My life is changing, my thoughts are changing, therefore my artwork is changing. Control used to be so important to me, but as I become more aware of this woman that I am every day, I realize there are so many things that are out of my control- even within my own home. Trying to control only makes more friction. By allowing, I see my surroundings and my loved ones in a more clear light. It gives them space to be who they are, and it gives me freedom... I surrender, so I am free.
Here is my recent piece entitled "Surrendering".
Oil painting on canvas. 30"x30" Completed 2014 - Natalie Amalani